- On the successful completion of the programme, a candidate shall go through the induction organised by the Institute and be required to pay an induction fee to be prescribed by the Institute from time to time.
Post Induction Practice
- For any Inducted member to practice as an Expert in the area of his/her choice, the person must undergo–24 months of Intensive Practical Training with a recognized company/organization to be approved by the Institute.
- It is after the practical experience that the member can apply to the Institute for a practicing license, stamp, and seal.
- The Institute shall clearly prescribe the conditions a prospective member shall fulfill before a practicing license can be issued.
- The Institute has five (5) areas of specialization and members can choose at least one to become an expert. You can become a Development Consultant as:
Gender and Youth Empowerment Specialist.
Development Communication & Community Issues Specialist.
Entrepreneurship & MSME Development Specialist.
Migration, Diaspora & Refugee Specialist.
Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist.